Betty Friedan, like Gloria Steinem, Ayn Rand, Beyonce, and Cardi B, was a product of her environment. We are living through something often called THE FOURTH TURNING. Successful societies escape from nature and become perverted and aimless.

In time, if we have time, the pendulum will swing and families will become as important to Westerners as their telephones.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

I looked at Betty Freidan's book and it turned out to be significant and relevant. When it comes to Gloria Steinem, Ayn Rand, Beyonce and Cardi B I have no interest in them, have read no books or articles by the first two and could not name one song by the last two. Personally I think all contemporary pop music is nothing but trash which is stupid at best and violent and obscene at worst, and is best avoided.

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How much are people only products of their environment? MY siblings and I grew up in the same country, same state, same city, same home, some parents but we are all radically different in approaches to religion and politics.

I had never heard of a fourth turning but it seems to apply here. However, what is yet to come is anybody's guess.

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There are at least two books out that explain the theory of the 4th Turning. Large changes in society occur about every 80 years and those living in those times have specific characteristics. Of course, it is a terrible exaggeration to suggest that Fanny Crosby (the legendary Hymnist) has anything in common with General William Tecumseh Sherman or that they might behave like one another. They were simply contemporaries.

And yet, consider how angry and vulgar people have become

In short, I am suggesting that the society that created Bing Crosby and the song WHITE CHRISTMAS has little in common with the one that spawned Cardi B and WET ASS PUSSY.

WAP, by the way, was chosen as Song of the Year by NPR.

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